PRP vs Rigenera: Best for Early Stage Male Hair Loss

05 Oct, 2023

Hair loss can be a distressing experience, especially for men in the early stages of balding or thinning hair. Fortunately, advancements in medical technology have introduced various treatments to combat this issue. Two popular options are Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and Rigenera. In this article, we will delve into these treatments to determine which one is more effective for addressing early-stage male hair loss and thinning.

Understanding the Basics

  • PRP:  PRP hair treatment is a non-surgical, regenerative treatment that harnesses the healing properties of the patient’s own blood. The process involves extracting a small amount of blood, separating the platelets, and then injecting the enriched plasma into the scalp. PRP is renowned for stimulating hair follicles, promoting hair growth, and improving hair thickness.
  • Rigenera: On the other hand, Rigenera is an innovative and minimally invasive technique that utilizes micrografts. It involves extracting tiny tissue samples from the patient’s scalp and processing them to obtain micrografts. These micrografts are then injected back into the scalp to stimulate hair regrowth and increase hair density.


Now that we understand the basics of these treatments, let’s compare their effectiveness for early-stage male hair loss and thinning.

  • PRP: PRP therapy has gained popularity due to its proven effectiveness in promoting hair growth. The growth factors in the platelet-rich plasma stimulate dormant hair follicles, encouraging them to enter the active growth phase. This results in thicker, healthier hair over time. PRP is particularly beneficial for individuals in the early stages of hair loss, as it can effectively slow down or even reverse the process.
  • Rigenera: Rigenera, while a relatively newer technique, has also shown promise in treating early-stage male hair loss and thinning. The micrografts obtained from the patient’s own tissue contain essential growth factors and stem cells. When injected into the scalp, they trigger hair follicles to regenerate and produce new, healthier hair. Rigenera’s minimally invasive nature makes it an attractive option for those seeking a less aggressive treatment.

Safety and Side Effects

  • PRP: PRP therapy is generally considered safe, as it uses the patient’s own blood, reducing the risk of allergic reactions or infections. Side effects are minimal and may include mild pain or discomfort at the injection site, which usually subsides within a few days. However, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure proper administration.
  • Rigenera: Like PRP, Rigenera is a safe procedure, as it utilizes the patient’s own tissues. This minimizes the risk of adverse reactions. Side effects are typically mild and temporary, including minor swelling or discomfort at the injection sites. As with PRP, it’s crucial to have the procedure performed by a skilled practitioner.

Cost Considerations

  • PRP: The cost of PRP therapy can vary depending on the location and the number of sessions required. Typically, patients may need multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. While it can be an effective treatment, the cumulative cost may be a consideration for some individuals.
  • Rigenera: Rigenera may also require multiple sessions, and the cost can vary depending on individual needs. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the number of sessions necessary for optimal results and to discuss the associated costs.


In the battle against early-stage male hair loss and thinning, both PRP therapy and Rigenera offer promising solutions. PRP is known for its ability to stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth, while Rigenera relies on micrografts to rejuvenate hair follicles. Make your selection after a thorough consultation with surgeons at Evolved Hair Clinic. We can compare your condition, talk about your desires, and propose the maximum appropriate method to reap the excellent possible final results for your precise scenario.

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