Our Services

Evolved Hair Restoration Clinics in Perth and Brisbane delivers a high degree of care to its
patients using international best practices and world class solutions for
most stages of hair loss.

Permanent Hair Corrections

Hair Transplant

DFI (Direct Follicle Insertion), is a care system, using FUE and specialized implanter pens, delivering natural results.

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Beard Transplant

Beard restoration is a specialised technique requiring accuracy and artistry to restore natural growth in your beard.

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Eyebrow Restoration

Eyebrow restoration is a hair transplant procedure specifically designed to address the loss of eyebrow hair.

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Special Cases

At Evolved Clinics in Perth and Brisbane, we have done some very "special" cases. Each presents its own challenges and skill set that surgeons take extensive time to acquire.

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Hair Loss Prevention

PRP Hair Treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is the organic way of treating your hair loss. At Evolved Clinics in Perth and Brisbane, our PRP Hair Treatment is performed in combination with Micro needling.

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Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy is a non-invasive technique to improve hair density where a combination of nutrients are delivered just below the epidermis layer of the skin.

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Laser Hair Therapy

Laser Hair Therapy is an FDA cleared, stimulating therapy that uses a process akin to how plants use sunlight to grow.

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Product Range

After 25 years of working with many different treatments we are commited to provide a product range to combat hair loss.

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The Evolved Advantage

Evolved Clinics in Perth and Brisbane has substantial experience in the art of hair restoration with 2 decades of research and innovation, which is captured in its evolutionary protocols and its proprietary Direct Follicle Insertion (DFI) technique.

  • DFI combines FUE and specialized implanter pens to deliver natural results
  • High density placement
  • Extracting grafts safer, faster and with smaller micro instruments, to preserve the appearance of donor areas

Life-changing hair transplant results

Results vary from person to person. These images are indicative only.
For more information on details specific to you and your hair loss journey, we recommend having a consultation with a Trichologist and/or a Hair Transplant Doctor. To understand risks and recovery about the procedure, read the FAQs and the Disclaimer

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Do You Still Have Any Doubts? We Are Ready To Answer It All

What are the main causes of hair loss?

Hair loss occurs when the cycle of hair growth is disrupted, resulting in the hair shedding faster than usual, re-growing poorly or not growing back at all. The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary male and female pattern baldness. However, the following conditions can cause hair loss, or alopecia, in men and women:

  • Medical conditions, including thyroid problems and anaemia
  • Drugs and medication side-effects
  • Stress and trauma
  • Dietary disorders
  • Excessive tension on the hair scalp from wearing certain hairstyles, such as tight braiding (traction alopecia)
  • Hair-pulling disorder in which there is an irresistible urge to pull out hair (trichotillomania)
  • Immune system attacking hair follicles to cause patchy hair loss (alopecia areata)
  • Scarring alopecia or scalp infections, requiring careful dermatological management

How does a hair transplant work?

A hair transplant involves taking healthy hair follicles from a part of the scalp where hair is genetically programmed to keep growing for life and transplanting them to the areas affected by hair loss. These newly implanted hairs will last a lifetime.

How painful is surgery?

The only part of the procedure during which you will feel any pain is the local anesthesia with numbing injections. These are similar to injections at the dentist. The injections take around 5 to 10 minutes to administer in the donor and recipient areas. We apply a vibrating massage device to the area being injected in order to “distract the nerves” and reduce the discomfort from the needle. The local anesthesia provides around 2 to 3 hours of numbing effect on the scalp. We will need to repeat the local anaesthesia but aim to do so while the skin is still numb so that the injections are not felt.

What are the risks associated with undergoing the DFI Procedure?

It is essential to understand that while DFI Hair Transplant Procedures can provide significant benefits and satisfactory results, they also carry inherent risks. We recommend you to consult with a qualified Trichologist and/or Hair Transplant Doctor before making any decisions regarding DFI Hair Transplant Procedures.

A detailed coverage of associated risks are available at the Disclaimer section

What sort of aftercare is needed?

When you leave Evolved Hair Clinic after your treatment, we’ll provide you with everything you need to take care of your grafts in the first few weeks, including instructions for washing your hair and medication to manage any initial discomfort. We provide state-of the-art Liposomal ATP aftercare sprays which optimise the healing and growth of your precious grafts

The day after the procedure our friendly staff will carry out a complimentary no contact hair wash. Patients are advised to wait at least three days after the procedure before undertaking a contact hair wash. By around day seven the patient’s head should be scab free.

But far beyond that, we see our patients as lifelong beneficiaries of our hair care service. You’ll be able to stay in contact with us for ongoing support and help on monitoring your hair growth progress, looking after your scalp, and preventing any potential problems.

You’ll be able to return to us for free check-ups and maintenance procedures, giving you a lifetime of professional hair care.

What preparation is needed before a hair transplant?

You need to ensure you are full informed of all the options and what they will involve before you decide on any one course of action. In an initial telephone and then face-to-face meetings at Evolved Clinic, our hair specialist and doctor will listen to you and take the time to understand your particular situation and your goals.

We’ll give you clear guidance on all of the options available to you, the pros and cons of each and the costs involved. We’ll also give you full information about the kind of result you can realistically expect to achieve.

Before recommending any particular course of treatment, we’ll take into account your age, your medical history and your general health and wellbeing. You can enter our surgery safe in the knowledge that you are receiving not just the best possible hair restoration treatment, but the best possible medical care.

Which type of hair transplant is considered the best?

All the different types of hair transplant are extremely effective with good looking results, but different methods have different advantages.

DFI technique requires only a local anaesthetic and is virtually pain-free. The whole process can take between 4 and 12 hours depending on the size of the recipient area and the number of grafts that need to be transplanted.

DFI has the advantage of avoiding the linear scar left by FUT as individual follicular units are taken only leaving micro dots which are covered by hair. Because it leaves minimal scarring DFI is ideal for people who like to keep their hair short, such as a number 1 or number 2 haircut.

Who will be carrying out my hair transplant?

Our Hair Transplant Doctor completes 100% of the surgery.

What can I do during the procedure?

Patients find the procedure comfortable and can watch a range of films and TV shows on our various streaming services. Some prefer to listen to music or have a snooze.

Will I be asleep or awake for surgery?

All surgery is carried out under local anaesthetic, so you are awake for the whole procedure. However, we offer a mild oral sedative which helps to relieve anxiety and helps you to relax during the procedure.

Do you perform non-shaven DFI?

This is up to the individual, the donor area needs to be shaved to a #1, but the top (recipient area) can be left untouched.

In certain cases, we perform non-shaven recipient area. Due to the increased technical challenges associated with non-shaven, we tend to restrict use of the technique to smaller cases i.e. 2500 hairs max.

What method do you use to extract the grafts?

We use a variety of micro punch devices depending on the hair and skin characteristics of the patient. In most cases, our Master Surgeon uses a handheld, motorised, hybrid punch, controlled by a foot pedal.

What sort of aftercare is needed?

When you leave Evolved Hair Clinic after your treatment, we’ll provide you with everything you need to take care of your grafts in the first few weeks, including instructions for washing your hair and medication to manage any initial discomfort. We provide state-of the-art Liposomal ATP aftercare sprays which optimise the healing and growth of your precious grafts

The day after the procedure our friendly staff will carry out a complimentary no contact hair wash. Patients are advised to wait at least three days after the procedure before undertaking a contact hair wash. By around day seven the patient’s head should be scab free.

But far beyond that, we see our patients as lifelong beneficiaries of our hair care service. You’ll be able to stay in contact with us for ongoing support and help on monitoring your hair growth progress, looking after your scalp, and preventing any potential problems.

You’ll be able to return to us for free check-ups and maintenance procedures, giving you a lifetime of professional hair care.

How long will it take to recover after an DFI hair transplant?

7 days after a DFI procedure most patients are free of scabs and display little or no signs that surgery has taken place (other than the new graft stubble).

When does the transplanted hair start to grow?

The newly transplanted hairs will typically shed 2-4 weeks post-op and there will be a period of waiting for the new hairs to re-appear. In most cases, some of the transplanted hair will start to appear 2-3 months after a hair transplant.

When will I see my final results?

Most patients see their near full results around 9 months to one year after a hair transplant. In some cases, patients can be a “slow/late grower”. These patients may have to wait 18 months to see full maturation of the transplanted hairs.

What are the recovery risks associated with the DFI Procedure?

It is essential to understand that while DFI Hair Transplant Procedures can provide significant benefits and satisfactory results, they also carry inherent risks. We recommend you to consult with a qualified Trichologist and/or Hair Transplant Doctor before making any decisions regarding DFI Hair Transplant Procedures. A detailed coverage of associated risks are available at the Disclaimer section

How long after a hair transplant can I return to exercise?

This does vary depending on your procedure but, in most cases, light exercise can be restarted 6 days after surgery and full exercise can be restarted at day 10 post op.

How long will the post-op redness last after a DFI procedure?

This does vary from patient to patient but most patients do not have redness in their scalp after day 10-14 post-op. Patients with fair skin types can retain skin redness for longer.

Can I drive home on the evening of surgery?

You will not be able to drive yourself home on the evening of the surgery. It is fine to drive home the following morning.

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